Consulting | Coaching | Training Contact | 778-885-4600


Confined Space Entry and Attendant


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Course Type

Safety Training.

Course Purpose

This course is for a worker whom:

  1. Enters and works inside of a confined space.
  2. Performs the Attendant duties for the workers inside a confined space.
  3. Supervises the entering and work inside a confined space.
  4. Participates with a basic rescue from outside of the space.

Training Method


Class Size

3 - 16 students.

Training Duration

8 hours.

Training Locations

  1. At OOSHEW's Surrey Training Facility.
  2. In-person training at the customer's location (Alberta, British Columbia).

Student Requirements

Wear the required Personal Protective Equipment (provided by student) as per the training location requirements.

Training Certification

Digital training card as proof of training, includes hyperlinked class photos and course material. Valid for 3 years.

Bonus for Large Employers (50+ students): Access to OOSHEW's robust training database (training records from your employees and your subcontractors).

Course Outline


  1. Internet based with rich multimedia information, accessible on computer or mobile device (Apple, Android).
  2. Start by setting up a free account Click Here to Get the Mobile App

Theory Lessons

  1. Applicable OHS Regulations (Federal, Provincial).
  2. Definitions of a confined space (per OHS Regulations) (Federal, Provincial).
  3. Roles and responsibilities for Entrants, Attendants, Supervisor and Rescue Personnel.
  4. Types and characteristics of confined spaces.
  5. Common hazards of confined spaces.
  6. Occupational Exposure Limits for common gases and reference to applicable exposure limit tables:
    1. Regulation table,
    2. NIOSH guide.
  7. Types of hazardous energy.
  8. Types of energy isolating devices and applicable safe practices.
  9. Ventilating requirements (per OHS Regulations).
  10. Common safe work procedures.
  11. Rescue planning.
  12. Gas and substance testing methods.
  13. Atmospheric gas testing requirements (per OHS Regulations).

Documentation Lessons

  1. Completing a Hazard and Risk Assessment.
  2. Completing a CSE Permit (includes entrant logging, atmospheric testing logging).
  3. Documenting the gas testing results.
  4. Documenting the entry and exit of a confined space.

Practical Lessons

  1. Inspecting and setup of ventilation equipment.
  2. Entry into a confined space.
  3. Inspecting, function testing, calibrating and operating a portable multi-gas detector.
  4. Safe practices for performing gas testing of a confined space.
  5. Confined space rescue drill.


  • Drop-In Class at OOSHEW Facility: $300.00 per student.
  • Private Group Rate at OOSHEW Facility: $2,400.00 (first 8 students) + $250.00 per additional student.
  • Private Group Rate at the Customer's Location: $3,000.00 (first 8 students) + $250.00 per additional student.
  • Platinum Members15% discount.
  • Additional Fees: Out of town travel expenses and accommodations when applicable.