Online Learning or Instructor-Led Training
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Advanced Safety Training
- Our Advanced Safety Training courses are ideal for supervisors, managers, company owners and health and safety professionals.
- Each of the 6 individual (and separate) courses are designed and intended to help you develop and enhance your current Heath and Safety Management System.
- A desktop or laptop computer and internet connection is required for each of these courses.
- These courses are designed so you can self-learn at your own pace.
- We can arrange an instructor-led training session for you, via internet (Zoom) or in person at your location.
Risk Management System
Course Components
This course includes a functioning database for the student to use during the course and the student is permitted to maintain using the database after the course.
- Understanding hazards, risks, probability and severity as they relate within the risk management system.
- Establishing the risk criteria.
- Establishing a Risk Matrix.
- Establishing the grading criteria for Probability.
- Establishing the grading criteria for Severity.
- Establishing an Occupations inventory.
- Establishing a Hazards inventory.
- Establishing a Controls inventory.
- Practice using a Hazard & Risk Assessment tool.
- Completing a Hazard & Risk Assessment assignment.
Education and Training Management System
Course Components
This course includes a functioning database for the student to use during the course and the student is permitted to maintain using the database after the course.
- Establishing the Roles and Occupations for the organization.
- Establishing a criteria based system for the necessary educational and training courses.
- Establishing in-house educational and training courses.
- Establishing 3rd party educational and training courses.
- Designing the Competency Evaluation templates.
- Designing the in-house certification templates.
- Structuring a database for employee accreditations and qualifications.
- Structuring a system to analyze, track and trend education and training courses.
Incident Management System
Course Components
- Developing your Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis process.
- Developing your Injury Management process.
- Structuring a system to analyze, track and trend workplace incidents and injuries.
- Establishing an Occupational Physical Demands Analysis for the occupations at your workplace.
- Establishing the Employee Physical Health Screening requirements for employment and post-injury purposes.
- Establishing the criteria for your “Stay at Work and Return to Work” program.
- Managing Worker's Compensation claims.
Exposure Control Management System
Course Components
- Structuring an inventory of hazardous substances and their corresponding Occupational Exposure Limits.
- Analytical methods for sampling and testing the hazardous substances.
- Establishing processes for worker’s health surveillance.
- Establishing a WHMIS program.
- Establishing a Respiratory Protection program.
- Process for drafting Exposure Control Plans.
Equipment Preventative Maintenance Management System
Course Components
- Establishing the equipment classifications.
- Structuring an equipment inventory.
- Establishing the equipment service and maintenance schedule.
- Process for drafting Equipment Safe Work Procedures.
- Process for drafting Equipment Pre-Use Inspection Checklists.
- Process for drafting Equipment Operating Competency Evaluations.
Inspection Management System
Course Components
- Establishing the inspection categories.
- Aligning the inspection criteria with an applicable audit protocol if necessary.
- Structuring a system to analyze, track and trend inspections.
- Process for drafting Inspection Checklists.